Sunday, December 27, 2009

Women advice?.....?

this lady sees me at the store and tells her friend that she likes me(her friend is on of my friends wife) so, her friend calls me at work to tell me this, and i go over to her friends house that night, and froze!! lol, didnt say anything to her, she is pretty, and seemed nice, so i just talked to my friend the whole time i was there, now im not sure what i should do, try to set something up or just leave it alone?? any advice whould helpWomen advice?.....?
Try giving this new lady a call (Get her number from your friend), and setting up a lunch date. Not really a romantic date, but a friendly date. Just start to get to know her! Enjoy her company, learn more about her, etc.Women advice?.....?
Oh, when I think of all the opportunities people lose because they get shy. Then others mistake this shyness for aloofness. I can think of a few very nice guys that I did this to, despite the fact that I knew very well they liked me. I was so shy around men when I was younger, I think back and laugh.

My advice to you is don't let shyness rule your life. Get this girl's ph# and go from there.
Try again...and be honest...tell her you had an momentary attack of shyness and you apologize for not speaking to her, because it was she that you had gone over there to see...

She'll appreciate your candor...don't pass this'll spend too much time wondering what might have been...
Now she probably thinks that you didnt like her, and has hurt feelings. Call her up and talk TO HER rather than to others ABOUT her.

Be a man!
sounds like your somewhat shy and somewhat intimidated by her beauty, that's normal. If your interested in her and want to get acquainted, try to see her again and just tell her that you really are a shy guy and you were at a complete loss of words when you laid eyes on her. Then ask. Can I try this again please? With fflowers in your hand. wish you the best, sincerely..
It depends on how she is. Some girls are like if you just go to her and complement her they will come to you but others just want the boy to come and just face them. Maybe you could try starting out being friends and go from there get to know her better.
go for it, if u don't u will miss ot on a great person and possibly wonder for the rest of your life

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