Sunday, December 27, 2009

What advice would you give to women who complain:?

...about uncircumcised men having smelly penises because of smegma?What advice would you give to women who complain:?
I would explain to them that a man who would let his penis be dirty is probably dirty all over! If he showers every day he would wash his penis just as he washes his face or under his arms. If he doesn't bother to practice good hygiene it is NOT because he is uncircumcised. The question should be how do you teach a grown man how to be clean?

I guess you could make showering a part of foreplay and hope that he would notice how much more rewarding sex is when he is clean. Hopefully he would catch on and start bathing more often.

A clean man does not have any odor about his penis, uncircumcised or other wise.What advice would you give to women who complain:?
That as long as he washes he probably has less smegma than they do. A normal penis is even easier to wash than female genitals and smegma collects in the genital folds of both sexes.


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