Thursday, December 31, 2009

EMERGENCY PLEASE ADVICE! Pregnant women in hot temp. What to do to keep cool?

AC doesn't work, AC company is acting dumb. My wife is pregnant and the temperature outside the house is 103 and it suppose to go up to 110 today. I don't care about me, but I want to keep my women cool because she is pregnant I have no where to take her. Any advice?EMERGENCY PLEASE ADVICE! Pregnant women in hot temp. What to do to keep cool?
get a bunch of wet wash cloths and stick them in the freezer and when they're frozen take them out and she can stick them on her forehead or belly. another idea is buy a bag of ice or make ice and stick them in cold water and she can stick her feet in the bucket of ice cold water. another one i read was to freeze water bottles and then get a fan and stick the frozen water bottles in front of the fan so that it produces cold air. she can take a cold shower. that's how i got me to cool down last night before bed because it felt like 100 degrees outside still. she can drink ice cold water. that seems to keep my body temp down.EMERGENCY PLEASE ADVICE! Pregnant women in hot temp. What to do to keep cool?
when my ex was pregnant (8 months) it got to the high 90's here. the only thing that kept her cool was cool water on her wrists or on her feet. the blood vessels are very close to the surface there and conduct the cool very well. it was no AC by any means but it did keep her comfortable.

good luck and congrats.
fill up the bathtub with cool water and let he chill out as though she is at a pool get her a cold drink. if she doesn't want to do that get some ice and put it in bags so she can put that on her face to cool off and around her feet. and if you have a fan turn it on ...
Go shopping (most stores are air conditioned), go to a swimming pool, she can take a cool bath, you can buy a window fan to circulate the air, keep hydrated by drinking water or sucking on ice chips.
Cool baths, wash clothes for her head, light clothing etc. Do you live in AZ? It's that hot here too but my AC works, come on over :)
Why don't you go and buy an air conditioner that you put in the window?

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