Tuesday, April 27, 2010

10 points for the best advice--How can we improve the life of women in the third world countries?

Send them money.10 points for the best advice--How can we improve the life of women in the third world countries?
- Sex education: teaching as well as giving away condoms and giving them birth control for free.

- General education: making sure every women can go to school, and give them plenty of opportunities to get higher education and be able to support themselves.

- Building an economy in third world countries by teaching some women specific traits.10 points for the best advice--How can we improve the life of women in the third world countries?
Support International Human Rights through advocacy, contributions, and even direct work. I donate to RAWA (an Afghan women's movement)

Boycot products and companies that do business with countries (Like Saudi Arabia) which have laws restricting women's rights.

Support Fair Trade (not Free trade)

Be aware of women's rights movements in other countries, and businesses which work for human rights.

There's so much we can do...
Good inquisition, considering the u.s. will soon be a 3rd world nation !...... haha..
Show them by example by taking care of out own woman FIRST here in the good old US of A
Sell them as pets to people in first world countries.
I hate the phrase, 'the third world'. Its ridiculous.

There is no third world. Only one world, maybe america should stop screwing poorer countries by theiving its oil and natural resources, then saying, 'here you go have some food'.

Maybe if you were a good person, you could ask, 'what can we do to improve the life of 'People' in poorer countries.

Instead you choose to focus on women only.
Support Amnesty Internation, The Red Cross and other NGOs that reach out to these women.

Read the news (the real news not blogs) and understand the issues they face so that we can have educated discussions at home.

Vote for leaders in your own country who care about these issues and will pledge their support. Write to politicians and tell them you want action in Darfur, Afganistan, Moldova and other countries where women are being exploited.

Remember that freedom can be lost if taken for granted and fight to keep the ones you have.
Us? nothing.

Them? everything.

Do you really think that the country will take their women seriously when someone other than the women has to speak and act for them?
Free birth control. There is nothing so freeing as knowing that you won't be getting pregnant every year for 25 years straight.
Two words: birth control. They cannot lift themselves out of poverty while they have no way to limit their family size.
Better the education and the economies of those countries. That will really help them. Here are some suggestion.

1. Education.

The more educated the people, the less they discriminate based on gender. And the more educated people, the more the economical conditions change in the country..

2. Socially responsible capitalism.

As oposed to savage capitalism, socially responsible capitalism can improve the living condition of poorer countries. Which in turn will leave more time for people to be educated. You cannot study if you dont have something to eat or a roof over you.

3. Health

Limit the amount of time that drug pattents can be. That will make drugs 1000% less expensive, thus can be used on poorer countries.

4. Focus on cooperatives instead of corporations. In a corporation that work less (or zero) get the most benefits.

Workers have 2 choices, obbey and eat or leave and starve. In a cooperative, everyone have a voice. So everyone gets better conditions.

6. Focus on eliminating the elites. This are the 1% of people that control the 90% of the resources. And they stay that way, not by their work, but by exploiting others. Those are the real parasites of the world, yet they have always a group of sheeps praysing them because they let them eat the small crumbs that fall from the table.
Education is the key to opening doors for everyone. If you know what to do and where to find what you need, half your fight is over.

Once the mind is open to ideas it will never stop learning. This will ensure growth through out everyones life.
In response to another post, I don't like the term ';3rd World'; either because it is racist and inaccurate but I also don't like the other terms used for those countries. The terms ';developing countries'; and ';poor countries'; are just as inaccurate and misleading. For one thing, exactly what is ';developing';? It's an incredibly vague term and could mean just about anything. The term ';poor country'; is also misleading because while the majority of the people are poor, there are areas with incredible amounts of wealth. The leaders of these countries are often very wealthy. It's just that in these countries, there is an extremely uneven distribution of wealth. A tiny fraction of the population has nearly all the wealth while the rest of the people are poor. There is little or nothing in between.

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